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Functional Interceptors in Angular 15

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Kyler Johnson

Functional Interceptors in Angular 15

With the v15 release of Angular expected in mid-November, the standalone component API will finally be considered stable. There will not be any breaking changes, as you can use standalone components, directives, and pipes in your module-based apps. No need to go and refactor all of your existing code.

However, if you choose to go with a standalone angular application (meaning you bootstrap your app without an AppModule), there will be some differences. You will need to use the new provideHttpClient API to register the HttpClient provider. To use interceptors with this setup, you will need to pass in the withInterceptors option including any interceptors.

// main.ts

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [provideRouter(routes), provideHttpClient(withInterceptors([sportsApiInterceptor]))],
}).catch((err) => console.error(err))

Great! So now that you know how to register your interceptors in a standalone Angular application, it’s probably time to mention that the class-based interceptors you’re accustomed to will not work here. Instead, we need to define functional interceptors like so:

// interceptors.ts

export const sportsApiInterceptor: HttpInterceptorFn = (req, next) => {
  if (req.url.includes('')) {
    const url = `${req.url}?key=${API_KEY}`
    const newReq = req.clone({ url })
    return next(newReq)
  return next(req)